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Precinct Election Official



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Precinct Election Official
Department Auditor
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Internal Department Precinct Election

What does a Precinct Election Official do?

The duties of each precinct are shared among 3 to 6 officials depending on the expected number of voters at the polling place for a particular election. The responsibilities include:

  • Set up polling place before the polls open
  • Set up the voting equipment
  • Register new persons to vote
  • Operate various pieces of equipment that tabulate votes, verify voter qualifications, and assist disabled voters to cast ballots
  • Complete paperwork and clean up and close polling area

Does this sound like the perfect opportunity for you? To apply to be a Poll Worker, please call 641-939-8108 or email Auditor Pieters!

When are elections held?

Elections are always held on a TUESDAY.

  • CITY/SCHOOL Elections are held on the first Tuesday in November in odd-numbered years. Polls are usually open 7AM to 8PM.
  • PRIMARY Elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of even numbered years. Polls are open 7AM to 8PM statewide.
  • GENERAL Elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even numbered years. Polls are open 7AM to 8PM statewide.
  • SPECIAL Elections may be called at anytime during the year and are held on Tuesday.
Team Member Jolene Pieters -

Contact Us

Precinct Election Office

Physical Address

1215 Edgington Avenue Suite 1
Eldora, IA 50627


Phone: 641-939-8108

Fax: 641-939-8223


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM



Jolene Pieters



Phone : (641) 939-8112
