What does a Precinct Election Official do?
The duties of each precinct are shared among 3 to 6 officials depending on the expected number of voters at the polling place for a particular election. The responsibilities include:
- Set up polling place before the polls open
- Set up the voting equipment
- Register new persons to vote
- Operate various pieces of equipment that tabulate votes, verify voter qualifications, and assist disabled voters to cast ballots
- Complete paperwork and clean up and close polling area
Does this sound like the perfect opportunity for you? To apply to be a Poll Worker, please call 641-939-8108 or email Auditor Pieters!
When are elections held?
Elections are always held on a TUESDAY.
- CITY/SCHOOL Elections are held on the first Tuesday in November in odd-numbered years. Polls are usually open 7AM to 8PM.
- PRIMARY Elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of even numbered years. Polls are open 7AM to 8PM statewide.
- GENERAL Elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even numbered years. Polls are open 7AM to 8PM statewide.
- SPECIAL Elections may be called at anytime during the year and are held on Tuesday.
- Registered to vote in Hardin County.
- Be affiliated with the Republican or Democratic Party, although a small number of persons not affiliated with either of those parties may be appointed.
- Not be closely related to any opposed candidate on the ballot.
- Have energy and stamina.
- Have good reading and listening skills.
- Enjoy people and service to others.
- Willing to attend required training class.
- Willing to accept a small payment for a BIG service!
A training course is provided before each election. The course is held during the 3 weeks prior to the election and can be 1 to 2 hours in length. Typically classes are offered at different times to accommodate various schedules. Attendance is required before a Primary or General and attendees are compensated for their time and mileage. Special training opportunities may be offered periodically to introduce new equipment or procedures.
Precinct election officials are currently paid $9.00/hour. Chairpersons are paid $10 per hour. These rates are set by the Board of Supervisors and vary from county to county in Iowa.
Mileage is paid for you trip to and from the school of instruction, and to and from the polling place, if over 5 miles. The mileage reimbursement if currently $.50 per mile.
Payments for working an election are made 2 to 4 weeks after the election.