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Nuisance Animal Removal

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Nuisance Animal Removal
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If you are needing assistance with or information about removing a nuisance wild animal from your property, please contact the local Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator:

Brad Mohr
Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator

Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators

Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators (NWCO) are licensed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources suggests that if you have a nuisance wildlife problem with your home, business or property; contact the NWCO nearest you. NWCO's are a private business and are not an agent or employee of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

Hardin County Conservation does not provide assistance with this nuisance.

For more information and a list of NWCO's across the state, please visit the Iowa DNR website.