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Treasurer's Office - Property Tax

New Ownership

If you are a new owner of a property, contact the Treasurer's Office at 641-939-8230 or by email, to update the mailing address and obtain a tax statement if you have not received one.

New Ownership

If you are a new owner of a property, contact the Treasurer's Office at 641-939-8230 or by email, to update the mailing address and obtain a tax statement if you have not received one.

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You will receive a tax statement from the Treasurer's Office, regardless if you have a mortgage or not. You do not need to send this statement to your mortgage company. If your taxes are in escrow, please do not send a separate tax payment to the Treasurer's Office.

If your mortgage company is responsible for payment of your tax, you may check online to verify they have been paid. Generally, escrow payments are made in the last week before taxes are due.

Annual Tax Sale

The Hardin County Treasurer is responsible for the administration of the annual tax sale and must offer for sale, in an open competitive bidding process (Iowa Code Chapter 446), parcels in which taxes have become delinquent.  The purpose of the tax sale is to collect unpaid taxes.  The annual tax sale takes place on the third Monday of June of each year.  

To register for the Hardin County Annual Tax Sale, visit 


When are property tax statements sent out?

Property tax statements are sent out once per year in August. This statement will include stubs to make payment in both September and March.

You will not receive a reminder that your second half of taxes are due in March. If the last day or either September or March falls on a weekend, you will have the following business day to pay your taxes without penalty.

When are my taxes due?

Property taxes are typically paid in two installments, one coming in September (1st half) and March (2nd half) each year.

Property taxes can be paid in full in September if desired.

How can I pay my taxes?

There are several methods of paying one's property taxes. To assist in the process, we have created a useful guide to paying property taxes in Hardin County.

Can I pay a full year of my property taxes in September?

You can pay either the full year in September or just the half that is due. Only one billing is sent out for your tax bill.

If you do not pay the full year in September, be sure to remember you will have the second half due in the month of March the following year.

How do I avoid paying penalties or additional costs?

Be sure to bring your tax bill with you to pay your taxes or include the coupons if you mail your payments to the office.

If you’ve bought or sold property be sure to know if the buyer or seller is supposed to pay the taxes on each parcel. This is something that should have been discussed in your closing agreement. Since our tax bills are only billed once a year in the month of August, you will not receive a tax bill from us because it has already been sent to the previous owner.

Remember that you can pay online, in the office, through the mail or in our drop box.

What is the penalty and cost on delinquent taxes?

The penalty is charged at 1.5% per month rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

How can I change the mailing address on my tax statement?

Request a change to your mailing address by contacting the Hardin County Treasurer's Office.

Contact Us

Treasurer Office

Physical Address

1215 Edgington Avenue
Eldora, IA 50627

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 391 Eldora, IA 50627-0391

Phone: 641-939-8230

Fax: 641-939-8245


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:15 PM



1. Machel Eichmeier



Phone : (641) 939-8232

2. Jessica Wright

Tax Deputy


Phone : (641) 939-8230

Tax & Motor Vehicle Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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