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Budgeting & Tax Levies

There are a number of different taxing districts in a jurisdiction, each with a different levy rate. Each year the County Auditor determines for that district, a levy that will yield enough money to pay for schools, police and fire protection, road maintenance and other services budgeted for that area. The tax levy is applied to each $1,000 of a property’s taxable value.


The Auditor is the filing office for budgets approved by the County’s taxing entities. The cities, schools, townships, County, Ag Extension, Emergency Management, E911 Board, and the Assessor file budgets with the County Auditor, requesting the dollars needed for the next fiscal year.

The Auditor uses the taxing entity’s valuation to determine the tax rate that will produce the dollars requested. These rates are certified to the Department of Management who then issues a certified consolidated tax rate for each tax district in the County. The Auditor then applies these rates to the individual parcels within taxing districts to determine the tax bill. The abstract of taxes is certified to the Treasurer and tax statements are mailed to each taxpayer.

Property Taxes

Ever wonder how your tax bill is computed? The process actually begins almost two years before your tax statement is even delivered to your house. Discover more about how the County serves as the tax collector for cities, schools, townships, and the County by watching a short slide show. Learn which taxing entity gets the biggest portion of your dollar. Please note this presentation does not contain audio, but is a clickable slide show with examples of values and calculations based on actual Hardin County figures in 2015-2016.

There are a number of different taxing districts in a jurisdiction, each with a different levy rate. Each year the County Auditor determines for that district, a levy that will yield enough money to pay for schools, police and fire protection, road maintenance and other services budgeted for that area. The tax levy is applied to each $1,000 of a property’s taxable value.


The Auditor is the filing office for budgets approved by the County’s taxing entities. The cities, schools, townships, County, Ag Extension, Emergency Management, E911 Board, and the Assessor file budgets with the County Auditor, requesting the dollars needed for the next fiscal year.

The Auditor uses the taxing entity’s valuation to determine the tax rate that will produce the dollars requested. These rates are certified to the Department of Management who then issues a certified consolidated tax rate for each tax district in the County. The Auditor then applies these rates to the individual parcels within taxing districts to determine the tax bill. The abstract of taxes is certified to the Treasurer and tax statements are mailed to each taxpayer.

Property Taxes

Ever wonder how your tax bill is computed? The process actually begins almost two years before your tax statement is even delivered to your house. Discover more about how the County serves as the tax collector for cities, schools, townships, and the County by watching a short slide show. Learn which taxing entity gets the biggest portion of your dollar. Please note this presentation does not contain audio, but is a clickable slide show with examples of values and calculations based on actual Hardin County figures in 2015-2016.

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Property Tax Allocations

Iowa property taxes are collected to support a wide range of local entities, most commonly: cities, counties, school districts, and townships. Additionally, community colleges, agricultural extension districts, assessor offices, fire protection, drainage, and a range other public needs are also funded through property taxes.

Of the total property taxes paid, the County retains only a portion with the remainder being distributed among the other entities as outlined in detail on your tax statement. The chart below shows a general example of how property taxes are distributed for an individual with property in the City of Eldora for FY 2016.


Finance Documents

Public Hearing Budget Materials

Urban Renewal Reports

Annual Financial Report

GAAP Report

Contact Us

Auditor Office

Physical Address

1215 Edgington Avenue Suite 1
Eldora, IA 50627


Phone: 641-939-8108

Fax: 641-939-8223


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM