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Clerk of Court

State Judicial Branch Officer

The Hardin County Clerk of Court is not a county office, but is a part of the Judicial Branch in the state government of Iowa.

State Judicial Branch Officer

The Hardin County Clerk of Court is not a county office, but is a part of the Judicial Branch in the state government of Iowa.

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Clerk of Court Duties

In each of Iowa's 99 counties, a clerk of district court office manages and maintains all trial records filed in the county. Clerks of court have hundreds of administrative duties, some of which include:

  • Accepting and processing fines, fees, and court costs owed to the state, child support checks, and civil judgments owed to the litigants. 
  • Disposing of scheduled violations that are not contested and do not require a court hearing. 
  • Maintaining a record of liens on real estate. 
  • Notifying state and local government agencies, including law enforcement agencies, of court orders.


Laura Jacobson, Clerk of Court 

Michelle Ryan, Judicial Specialist IV 

Kelly Reisinger Steinfeldt, Judicial Specialist IV

Allison Munro, Judicial Specialist III

For More Information

Please visit the Iowa Judicial Branch website for more information about online court records, paying fines online, and additional information regarding the Iowa court system.

Online Fine Payment

Pay Traffic Tickets and Simple Misdemeanor Fines Online

Team Member Laura Jacobson -

Contact Us

Clerk of Court Office

Physical Address

1215 Edgington Avenue Suite 7
Eldora, IA 50627


Phone: 641-858-2328

Fax: 641-858-2320


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM


Laura Jacobson

Clerk of District Court


Phone : (641) 858-2328