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Submit Crime Tip

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Submit Crime Tip
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If this is an EMERGENCY or CRIME IN PROGRESS please call: 911
For non emergencies, contact the dispatch center at: 641-939-8190.
You may contact the Sheriff's Office directly by dialing: 641-939-8189.

This form is not monitored 24 hours a day and should NOT be used to report crimes in progress or other suspicious activity that requires an immediate law enforcement response.


If you have information that is not happening now but is an ongoing problem in your neighborhood, community, or school, you can anonymously contact the Sheriff's Office. Examples would include speeders at certain times of the day, someone you think may be selling drugs, knowledge about stolen property, etc.

You can remain anonymous if you would like or feel free to give us your name and phone number so if we have questions we can contact you.

Please try and give us the exact location of the event and if possible times that it occurs, and any other important information including vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers, descriptions of people, etc.

Submit Crime Tip Information