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Protect Your Everyday

Those who wish to do us harm are constantly plotting, planning for additional opportunities that may or may not come. So what are we as Americans-as Iowans-to do? How do we protect our "everyday?"

Those who wish to do us harm are constantly plotting, planning for additional opportunities that may or may not come. So what are we as Americans-as Iowans-to do? How do we protect our "everyday?"

Protect Your Everyday
Parent Page Emergency Management
Internal Department No content items.

Witnessing Suspicious Activity

If you witness any type of suspicious activity, it is wise to report such activity to your local law enforcement agency. An alert public helps to keep our communities safe. Suspicious activity is any observed behavior that could indicate terrorism or terrorism-related crime. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Unusual items or situations. A vehicle is parked in an odd location, a package or some luggage is unattended, a window or door is open that is usually closed, or something else out of the ordinary.
  • Eliciting information. A person questions individuals at a level beyond curiosity about a building's purpose, operations, security procedures and/or personnel, shift changes, etc.
  • Observation/surveillance. Someone pays unusual attention to facilities or buildings beyond a casual or professional interest. This includes:
    • Counting paces
    • Extended loitering without explanation (particularly in concealed locations)
    • Sketching floor plans
    • Taking notes or measurements
    • Unusual, repeated, and/or prolonged observation of a building (for example, with binoculars or video camera, etc.

While some of these activities may be innocent, it's ultimately up to law enforcement to determine whether the behavior warrants investigation. Factors such as race, ethnicity, and/or religious affiliation are not suspicious. It is behavior, rather than appearance, that should be used in determining suspicious activity.

Reporting Suspicious Activity

When reporting suspicious activity, remember to describe specifically what you observed, including:

  • What or Who you saw
  • When you saw it
  • Where it occurred
  • Why it is suspicious

It all boils down to one simple phrase; "If you See Something, Say Something". Call 911, and notify your local law enforcement.

It Takes a Community

Police, security guards, and other officials cannot be everywhere, all the time. In the end it is up to all of us to protect our friends, our family, our neighbors, and the community as a whole.

Team Member Thomas Craighton -

Contact Us

Emergency Management Office

Physical Address

1031 Edgington Avenue
Eldora IA 50627

Mailing Address

1116 14th Ave Eldora
IA 50627

Phone: 641-939-8132

Fax: 641-939-8137


Monday - Friday



Thomas Craighton

Emergency Management Coordinator


Phone : (641) 939-8132

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