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Back To: Hardin County | Your Government | Assessor | Equalization


Equalization is important to maintain equitable assessments among classes of property and among assessing jurisdictions. This contributes to a fair distribution of state aid, such as aid to schools. It also helps to equally distribute the total tax burden within the area.

Equalization occurs on an entire class of property, not on individual property. Also, equalization occurs on an assessing jurisdiction basis, not on a statewide basis.

Protesting Equalization Orders

Protests are accepted to the Board of Review between October 9th up and including October 21st. The protests must be in writing and may be taken to the Assessor's Office in the Courthouse in Eldora or mailed to the Board of Review at:

Board of Review
c/o Assessor's Office
1215 Edgington Avenue
Suite 2
Eldora, IA 50627

The Board of Review can only remove the amount of the increase due to the equalization order. The decision made by the Board of Review will be mailed to the taxpayer.

A taxpayer may file an appeal with the Property Assessment Appeal Board within 20 days after the Board of Review's adjournment. Alternately, the taxpayer may bypass the Property Assessment Appeal Board and appeal to District Court in Hardin County.

Equalization is important to maintain equitable assessments among classes of property and among assessing jurisdictions. This contributes to a fair distribution of state aid, such as aid to schools. It also helps to equally distribute the total tax burden within the area.

Equalization occurs on an entire class of property, not on individual property. Also, equalization occurs on an assessing jurisdiction basis, not on a statewide basis.

Protesting Equalization Orders

Protests are accepted to the Board of Review between October 9th up and including October 21st. The protests must be in writing and may be taken to the Assessor's Office in the Courthouse in Eldora or mailed to the Board of Review at:

Board of Review
c/o Assessor's Office
1215 Edgington Avenue
Suite 2
Eldora, IA 50627

The Board of Review can only remove the amount of the increase due to the equalization order. The decision made by the Board of Review will be mailed to the taxpayer.

A taxpayer may file an appeal with the Property Assessment Appeal Board within 20 days after the Board of Review's adjournment. Alternately, the taxpayer may bypass the Property Assessment Appeal Board and appeal to District Court in Hardin County.

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How is an Equalization Order determined?

The Iowa Department of Revenue is responsible for “equalizing” assessments every two years. This is a general explanation of the purpose of equalization.

The Department of Revenue compares the assessors’ abstracts to a “sales assessment ratio study” it has completed independently of the assessors. If the assessment (by property class) is 5% or more above or below the sales ratio study, the department increases or decreases the assessment. (There are no sales ratio studies for agricultural or industrial properties.)

How will I know if my property receives an Equalization Order?

A notice will be issued in each jurisdiction receiving an equalization order. The notice will be published in the newspaper which is the “official publication” for the jurisdiction. The press release will be issued on or around October 1st in odd numbered years.

What is an Equalization Order?

The Iowa Department of Revenue imposes equalization orders in odd-numbered years for each property class, except industrial, in each of the 107 assessing jurisdictions. Equalization is accomplished by increasing or decreasing the aggregate valuations for certain classes of property within assessing jurisdictions by the percentage necessary to adjust the level of assessment to actual value.

Why is equalization necessary?

Equalization is important because it helps maintain equitable assessments among classes of property and among assessing jurisdictions. This contributes to a fairer distribution of state aid, such as aid to schools. It also helps to equally distribute the total tax burden within the area.

Equalization helps ensure that all classes of property have been assessed at the value according to state law and that taxation is applied equitably statewide.

A process called "equalization" is applied every two years to ensure that property values are comparable among jurisdictions and complies with Iowa code.

Contact Us

Assessor Office

Physical Address

1215 Edgington Avenue, Suite 2
Eldora, IA 50627


Phone: 641-939-8100

Fax: 641-939-8245


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM

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