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Finance & Collections

The Hardin County Finance and Collections Office can assist you in paying past due Iowa Court fines and other court ordered obligations.

Upon enrolling and participating in a payment plan, you may be eligible to have your drivers' license reinstated through this office.

The Hardin County Finance and Collections Office can assist you in paying past due Iowa Court fines and other court ordered obligations.

Upon enrolling and participating in a payment plan, you may be eligible to have your drivers' license reinstated through this office.

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Contact Us

Sheriff Office

Physical Address

Law Enforcement Center, 1116 14th Avenue
Eldora, IA 50627


Phone: 641-939-8189

Fax: 641-939-8249


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:00 PM


Karla Gear

Finance and Collections Supervisor


Phone : (641) 939-8207


Dave McDaniel



Phone : (641) 939-8189

Sheriff Directory

Civil Division Directory

Jail Directory

E911 Communication Directory

Finance and Collections Directory

Additional Contact Information

Toll Free: 800-568-4373

After Hours Fax: 641-939-8209

Emergency Phone: : 911

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