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Vital Records

Request Vital Records by Mail

Vital records include birth certificate, death certificate, and marriage license records. In order to request a vital record by mail, the applicant must follow these steps:

  • Complete the appropriate application form
  • The application must be notarized
  • Include a photocopy of valid photo ID
  • Include a check or money order paying the certified copy cost of $15
  • Mail the notarized application with payment and photocopy of current, valid photo ID to:
    • Hardin County Recorder
      Attn: Vital Records
      1215 Edington Avenue, Suite 4
      Eldora, IA 50627

Request Vital Records by Mail

Vital records include birth certificate, death certificate, and marriage license records. In order to request a vital record by mail, the applicant must follow these steps:

  • Complete the appropriate application form
  • The application must be notarized
  • Include a photocopy of valid photo ID
  • Include a check or money order paying the certified copy cost of $15
  • Mail the notarized application with payment and photocopy of current, valid photo ID to:
    • Hardin County Recorder
      Attn: Vital Records
      1215 Edington Avenue, Suite 4
      Eldora, IA 50627
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Vital Records Request Form

Please Note: BE AWARE of third party vendors that issue Vital Birth, Death and Marriage Certificates.  We have had numerous individuals apply for vital records who have previously went through a third party vendor and were charged an outrageous amount and never received their record.  Perhaps the best practice is to inquire at the county and state where the event took place.

Contact Us

Recorder Office

Physical Address

1215 Edgington Avenue, Suite 4
Eldora, IA 50627


Phone: 641-939-8178

Fax: 641-939-8245


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM