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Drainage Districts

Drainage districts were established for drainage of surface waters from agricultural and other lands for the protection of said lands from overflow when said protection is a public benefit or is conducive to public health, convenience, and welfare. (Section 468.2, State Code of Iowa).

Drainage districts were established for drainage of surface waters from agricultural and other lands for the protection of said lands from overflow when said protection is a public benefit or is conducive to public health, convenience, and welfare. (Section 468.2, State Code of Iowa).

Drainage Districts
Department Drainage
Parent Page Board of Supervisors
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Drainage District Trustees

Districts are established by the Drainage District Trustees at the request of the land owners within the proposed district (Section 468.6-468.8). Per the Code of Iowa, Chapter 468, the County Board of Supervisor’s act as Drainage District Trustees in all district matters.


The landowners of a particular district may, if they wish, elect their own trustees and maintain the district themselves. The Trustees are required by the Code of Iowa (Section 468.126) to maintain all drainage districts at their original capacity.

Assessments & Costs

There are more than 200 drainage districts within Hardin County. Assessments are made to pay for engineering costs, improvements and/or repairs within a given drainage district.

Assessments or classification of land in a drainage district are based on the benefit that the land receives, or could potentially receive, from being in the district. All drainage district records are kept in the Auditor’s Office.

Maintenance and Repair Cost Responsibilities

Property owners within the district, not the County, own and pay for all maintenance and repairs to that district. A contractor hired by the Trustees will do the work and will be paid by the district. Notice of repairs is only required when the cost will exceed $50,000 or 75% of the original assessed value of the district, whichever is greater.

Requests, Complaints & Questions

Requests for repairs, complaints, problems or questions should be directed to the Drainage Clerk at 641-939-8111 or by email.

Drainage Work Order Request Form (PDF)


Can Trustees make repairs without my consent?

Yes. The Trustees are required by the Code of Iowa (Section 468.126) to maintain all drainage districts at their original capacity. Notice of repairs is only required when the cost will exceed $50,000 or 75% of the original assessed value of the district, whichever is greater.

For more information, please review the Code of Iowa, Section 468.126.

Can I get out of the drainage district?

For more information on dissolving drainage districts, review the Code of Iowa, Sections 468.250 - 468.261.

Who pays for drainage district repairs?

Property owners within a district pay for all its maintenance and repairs. The Trustees hire a drainage engineer and independent contractor to do the work and bill the cost to the drainage district.

Team Member Ann Larson -

Contact Us

Drainage Office

Physical Address

1215 Edgington St. Eldora, Ia 50627

Mailing Address

1215 Edgington St. Eldora, Ia 50627

Phone: 641-939-8111


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM


Ann Larson


Phone : (641) 939-8111