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Frequently Asked Questions

About the Assessor

The local assessor is appointed by a conference board to a six-year term. All assessors must have successfully passed the assessor exam given by the Department of Revenue. Each assessor must successfully complete 150 hours of formal continuing education in order to be eligible for reappointment

Accident Reports

Yes, you are still required to fill out an accident report with Hardin County.

If you know the other driver's information, it will help the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to match reports more efficiently.

You do not need to be concerned if you do not have the information, as the other driver should file an accident form with the DMV as well.

If Hardin County responded to the accident, then the DMV will also receive a copy of the report from the Hardin County Sheriff's Office.

Iowa law states these reports be files within 72 hours of the accident, not including weekends or holidays.

If you are unable to file within the 72 hours, submit it as soon as possible.

Failure to report the accident may result in suspension of your driving privileges.

Every driver involved in an accident resulting in damages to any one person's property is excess of $1,500 must file an accident report with the Department of Motor Vehicles in the State of Iowa.

Arranging Jail Time

You will need to contact your lawyer or make a request to the judge in order to get an extension or to change the parameters of the order.

Work release privileges must be approved and ordered by the court in order for you to enroll in the work release program.

No. You can serve your time when it best suits you and your schedule as long as it is in the time frame ordered by the court.

Room and Board fees are set at $50 per day or any portion of a day thereof. A day is any 24 hour period.

No. If the order states you must serve 7 days and there is no approval for 48 hour increments or work release privilege, you must serve your full 7 days all at once.

A warrant will be issued for your arrest for fail to serve jail time.

When you are arrested on said warrant, you must serve you time in full of no options for bond, 48-hour increments or work release.

Boat Registration

You should bring:

  • The receipt
  • Manufacturer’s Statement
  • 12-digit manufacturer number off of vessel
  • Your driver’s license

CDL & Hazardous Materials Endorsements

To best determine if you need a CDL, you can answer a few questions and view the Iowa Department of Transportation's CDL Reference Guide (PDF).

You will need a Commercial Learner’s Permit (CLP) if you are: - Applying for a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) for the first time. - Upgrading your existing CDL and the upgrade requires a skills (driving) test.

You must hold a CLP for at least 14 days before you can complete the required skills (driving) test.

For more information, visit the Iowa Department of Transportation website.

To change your certification category, please visit a driver’s license issuance site to complete a new certification form.

Drivers that certify to intrastate driving are required to have a restriction placed on their license (“K” restriction). Changing your certification category may require the addition or the removal of this restriction on your driver’s license.

We have compiled a list of all of the requirements on our Getting a CDL page.

The Iowa DOT is required to downgrade your CDL to a noncommercial privilege. This downgrade will happen after advance notice. However, the Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS) will be notified immediately. Your physical qualification status in CDLIS will be changed to “not certified.”

Law enforcement officers routinely check CDLIS, so you could be taken out-of-service if operating in non-excepted interstate commerce with an expired Medical Examiner’s Certificate.

It is important to renew your certificate and provide a copy to the Iowa Department of Transportation before it expires.

To best determine the answer to this question we have provided a helpful physical qualifications guide.

Medical certificates issued on or after May 21, 2014, must be issued by a medical professional listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. This means that a commercial driver who is renewing or obtaining a new medical certificate on or after May 21, 2014, must be examined by a medical professional listed on the national registry.

Medical examiners must complete training and pass a certification examination required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to become certified.

To learn more about the national registry and search for a certified medical examiner, visit the United States Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website.

Federal regulations require all CDL holders and applicants to certify how they operate their commercial motor vehicle whenever they renew, upgrade, or obtain a CDL for the first time.

A CDL holder must certify to one of four categories that apply to the type of driving they do. To learn which category applies to you, visit the

Iowa Department of Transportation website.

Clerk to the Board of Supervisors

Please contact Jolene Pieters , Board Secretary. Items to be placed on the Board’s weekly agenda for their Wednesday meeting by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning of that same week.

The Board meets at 9:00 a.m. every Wednesday in the Courthouse lower-level conference room. The Hardin County Courthouse is located at 1215 Edgington Avenue in Eldora, Iowa.

Drainage District Assessments

The Code of Iowa, Section 468.57, states the landowner can sign up for payments within 30 days from the date of the assessment for each parcel over $500.

The payment plan is not less than 10 nor more than 20 annual installments with the due date same as ordinary taxes.

The number of annual payments and the interest rate is determined by the board.

Delinquent drainage assessments become a lien on the property, per Iowa Code, Section 468.51. The property can then be sold for back taxes/assessments just as it can be sold for non-payment of property taxes as outlined in Iowa Code, Section 468.158-468.162.

Members cannot exempt themselves from the district unless the district is dissolved.

Drainage District Projects

Only damages sustained outside the right-of-way area are entitled to reimbursement of damages. These damages are established at a project completion hearing after the work is complete. Any damages will be paid by the district funds.

The Code of Iowa (Section 468.27) states that following a drainage district establishment, the district is deemed to have acquired by permanent easement all right-of-way for drainage district ditches, tile lines, settling basins and other improvements. The district secures authority to go onto private land to construct these facilities and to maintain them. This easement area is typically 50 to 100 feet wide. Iowa Code Section 468.27

Drainage Districts

For more information on dissolving drainage districts, review the Code of Iowa, Sections 468.250 - 468.261.

Yes. The Trustees are required by the Code of Iowa (Section 468.126) to maintain all drainage districts at their original capacity. Notice of repairs is only required when the cost will exceed $50,000 or 75% of the original assessed value of the district, whichever is greater.

For more information, please review the Code of Iowa, Section 468.126.

Property owners within a district pay for all its maintenance and repairs. The Trustees hire a drainage engineer and independent contractor to do the work and bill the cost to the drainage district.

Driver's License

There are two methods of procuring a copy of these documents. For a better understanding of the steps that need to be followed and the costs of obtaining the records, visit our Guide to Obtaining Driving Records

Honorably discharged veterans are eligible to have a “veteran” designation placed on their driver’s license (DL) or non-operator identification (ID).
For more information on the process requirements, visit the Veteran License Designation page.

There are four steps, which we have compiled into a helpful guide.

If your license has been lost or stolen, please contact your driver’s license station. There is a $10 charge for a duplicate license.

For more information online about lost or stolen Iowa driver's licenses, visit the Iowa Department of Transportation website

You will need to take and pass the motorcycle written test.

You are not required to hold a Motorcycle permit before obtaining a Motorcycle Endorsement on your Iowa Driver's License.

Information about motorcycle permits, fees, and manuals can be found on the Iowa Department of Transportation Motorcycle and Mopeds page.

For more information on the location of operator's test study guides and links to procure them online, visit our Operator's Test Study Guides page.

Dust Control

No. We are not extending the deadline this year. 

No, this information can be supplied by the contractor that will be applying dust control to your area.

No, our Secondary Roads crew does not apply dust control in front of residences.

The only exception to this is when there is a detour or construction project on a gravel road that would cause heavy traffic in front of any residences.


To find out if you are registered to vote, please call the Hardin County Auditor’s Office at 641-939-8109, or you may visit the Iowa Secretary of State’s website.

The process for obtaining an absentee ballot is outlined in our helpful Absentee Ballot Resource Guide..

Registered voters who do not have an Iowa driver's license or a non-operator's ID will be issued a voter ID card for free, automatically. Voter ID cards must be signed before going to the polls. Voter ID cards will start being mailed in December 2017.

During 2018 , registered voters will be asked to show their ID before voting at the polls. Anyone who does not have their ID will be asked to sign an oath verifying their identity and will be allowed to cast a regular ballot.

Beginning January 1, 2019, Iowa voters will be required to show a driver's license, non-operator's ID, passport, military ID, veterans ID, or voter ID card at the polls before they vote. Voters without an ID may cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to their identification.

Engineer & Secondary Roads

No, Hardin County purchases culvert pipe without tax. Therefore, the county cannot resell something that should produce state sales tax.

No, both these practices are illegal by Iowa Code. Tiles must outlet on private property and then flow into the county right-of-way.

Septic systems must flow into an approved system as per Iowa Code, Chapter 69 (PDF). Contact the Hardin County Sanitarian at 641-939-8135 or by email for more information.

If you or your organization are interested in the Adopt-A-Highway program, contact the Engineer's Office at 641-858-5058.

The Engineer’s Office has a Driveway Permit Application (PDF) to apply for a new driveway or to enhance an existing driveway. The road crew will check the location and determine if it is acceptable and whether it requires a culvert. All the costs for a new or widened driveway are at the landowner’s expense.

The Zoning Administrator assigns all rural 911 addresses in Hardin County.

If you need an address within the corporate limits of towns in Hardin County, you will need to contact that town's city hall.

Please contact Jessica Sheridan at 641-939-8124 or email Jessica Sheridan to request a rural 911 address.

See more at Requesting a 911 Address.

Obtaining 911 Addresses.

Please call the County Engineer’s Office at 641-858-5058, or email Lori Kohart, Office Manager.

If you find a broken or missing road sign, contact the Engineer’s Office at 641-858-5058 or email Lori Kohart Office Manager.

If you need to report a damage claim, please contact the County Engineer’s Office at 641-858-5058.

If the Hardin County Secondary Road Department damages a mailbox during maintenance or construction operations, the Hardin County will reimburse the owner of that mailbox up to a maximum of $40.00 for the replacement or repair of the mailbox upon presentation of itemized receipts.

Please contact the Engineer's Office at 641-858-5058 to report damage.

Mailbox Policy (PDF).

No timeline is being given. With 779 miles of unpaved roads to maintain, the secondary roads crew will be busy.  Our goal is to continue hauling as often as possible to as many different locations as possible. 

Typically; roads are bladed weekly when conditions are appropriate depending on weather and traffic conditions. If a road is too wet, the motor grader will sink and cause ruts. If a road is too dry, the grader can’t properly move the rock.

An article referencing frost boils from 1961 talks about the possible fixes for frost boils, but all were just theories at the time.

In that amount of time, a specific solution has never been determined. The best solution to this day is to do nothing but wait for the frost boil to dry out. Sometimes the road crew will attempt to level the area or pour rock on top, but these methods often prove ineffective.

The Hardin County Snow and Ice Removal Policy (PDF) has been in place since the mid-1990s. It states that snow will be cleared from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The policy also gives a priority to paved routes if necessary. The goal of each snow event is to open both lanes of all highways and at least one path of each gravel road. Some snow events are too severe to achieve this goal. In the event that fog or blowing snow reduce visibility to a dangerous level, Hardin County will not perform snow removal operations.

Hardin County has agreements in place with four of our adjoining counties. Each county splits up the number of miles and maintains the entire right-of-way for that portion. View County Line Maintenance Jurisdictions Map (PDF)

Each grader operator has 70-80 miles to cover in that time frame, sometimes moving under 5 miles/hour. In order to reach every stretch of road the grader may have to travel with the blade up.

Ditches are designed on the sides of a roadway for the distinct purpose of holding and moving water as naturally as possible. If there is no waterway or tile system in the area, the water has no choice but to stay where it is and slowly soak into the ground.

The county does not fix tile located on personal property. The county will only fix tile of ditches located in the right of way. For more information, visit the Drainage Districts Page.

Drainage Districts Page.


The Iowa Department of Revenue is responsible for “equalizing” assessments every two years. This is a general explanation of the purpose of equalization.

The Department of Revenue compares the assessors’ abstracts to a “sales assessment ratio study” it has completed independently of the assessors. If the assessment (by property class) is 5% or more above or below the sales ratio study, the department increases or decreases the assessment. (There are no sales ratio studies for agricultural or industrial properties.)

A notice will be issued in each jurisdiction receiving an equalization order. The notice will be published in the newspaper which is the “official publication” for the jurisdiction. The press release will be issued on or around October 1st in odd numbered years.

The Iowa Department of Revenue imposes equalization orders in odd-numbered years for each property class, except industrial, in each of the 107 assessing jurisdictions. Equalization is accomplished by increasing or decreasing the aggregate valuations for certain classes of property within assessing jurisdictions by the percentage necessary to adjust the level of assessment to actual value.

Equalization is important because it helps maintain equitable assessments among classes of property and among assessing jurisdictions. This contributes to a fairer distribution of state aid, such as aid to schools. It also helps to equally distribute the total tax burden within the area.

Equalization helps ensure that all classes of property have been assessed at the value according to state law and that taxation is applied equitably statewide.

A process called "equalization" is applied every two years to ensure that property values are comparable among jurisdictions and complies with Iowa code.

Footer FAQs

The Finance and Collections Office can enroll you in a payment plan to begin payment of past due fine. Once payment has been made, this office will issue a lift to the County in which you are registering your vehicle.

Payments must be current in order to have the lift filed.

This office issues registration lifts for Hardin County only.

If there is a visibility concern (ie. poor visibility, blocked road sign, etc.), please contact the County Roadside Manager at 641-939-8263. If it is an emergency, please contact the Sheriff’s Office.

For other road related issues, please contact the Secondary Roads Department at 641-858-5058.

Information Technology

Invasive and Noxious Weeds

Every county in Iowa has a Weed Commissioner to oversee that county’s noxious weed control program. The Hardin County Weed Commissioner is located at the Engineers Office 708 16th St., Eldora, IA 50627 Phone: 641-939-8263

All landowners are required to control noxious weeds on their property to eliminate seed production. Weeds growing within city limits, in abandoned cemeteries, along railroads, streets, and highways, as well as on farmland, or any private or public land, must be controlled. The Hardin County Weed Commissioner enforces the Iowa Noxious Weed Law. Iowa Code Chapter 317 – Weeds

Noxious Weeds and other invasive species threaten all of our natural resources. They can destroy native plant and animal habitat, damage recreational areas, clog waterways, lower land values, decrease agricultural crop yields, and some can even poison humans and livestock.

Noxious Weeds are also a leading cause of species endangerment under the Endangered Species Act. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, along with Hardin County, has declared 31 species of plants as Noxious.

View a complete list of plants considered noxious by Hardin County or the State of Iowa. Complete list of noxious plants.

Mental Health & Disability Services

In order to be considered for funding for services related to mental health disabilities and intellectual/developmental disabilities, you must fill out a Community Services Application for Mental Health/Developmental Disability Services.

To obtain a copy of the application, contact the Hardin County Community Services Department.

Applicants may complete the Community Services Application themselves or receive assistance from Community Services staff.

Please call the Hardin County Community Services office at 6641-939-8167 to request assistance in filling out the form.

The following criteria must be met to be eligible for funding:

  • People who have a mental illness, intellectual disability, or developmental disability
  • Meet specified income and asset guidelines
  • Reside in the CICS region
  • Professional assessments have determined that the services are needed.

If an applicant meets this criterion, he or she may fill out and submit a Community Services Application for Mental Health/Developmental Disability Services.

Motor Vehicle Division

Personalized and Specialty plates are procured through the Iowa Department of Transportation. For more information on the processes required, visit our Personalized and Specialized Plates page.

You will need to come into the office to register the homemade trailer. We will need you to be sure that the trailer weighs 2000 pounds or less. We will need to know the color of the homemade trailer, and a description of the trailer.

We will complete an application for registration that all owners of the homemade trailer will sign. It will be registered as a specially constructed small regular trailer.

Small trailers are not issued titles; they are only issued a registration.

If you are renewing a truck registered weighing 28 or more tons you will need a current 2290 Form that has the correct VIN of the vehicle being renewed. The form must also be stamped by the IRS with a received date.

You can only renew semi-annually if your registration month is December. You can choose a different month for registration; however, you will be required to pay one full year's registration fee.

More information, including the form and instructions, can be found at the Internal Revenue Service website.

In order to store a vehicle the vehicle registration must be current. Bring in the plates and registration for the vehicle. We will place the vehicle in storage and stamp your registration with our "stored" stamp.

When you bring the vehicle out of storage a full years license fee will be due.

You may come to the office, and we can reprint your registration for $3.

Law enforcement defines the enforcement date as the first day of the second month following the registration month. It is recommended that the renewal be processed, and the sticker be affixed to the license plate on or before the enforcement date.

For large plates, Iowa law requires the registration validation sticker (often called a tag) to be affixed to the lower left side of the rear plate and for small plates the tags should be affixed to the upper left corner.

Affixing the registration validation sticker should occur on or before the "enforcement date".

Following the three-month renewal window, a penalty is assessed at the rate of 5% of the fee due, per vehicle, per month, rounded to the nearest dollar with a minimum penalty of $5 per vehicle

When the last day of the month is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, renewals can be completed on the first business day of the following month without added penalty.

Vehicle owners receive an annual renewal notice sent from their County Treasurer. This penalty will still accrue and cannot be waived if you do not receive your notice.

Vehicles may be renewed during a three-month window around your renewal month without penalty. This includes the month prior to your renewal month, your renewal month, and the month following your renewal month.

If the last day of the three-month window falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, renewals can be completed on the first business day of the following month without penalty.

Noxious Weed Control

Every county in Iowa has a Weed Commissioner to oversee that county’s noxious weed control program. The Hardin County Weed Commissioner is located at the Engineers Office 708 16th St., Eldora, IA 50627 Phone: 641-939-8263

All landowners are required to control noxious weeds on their property to eliminate seed production. Weeds growing within city limits, in abandoned cemeteries, along railroads, streets, and highways, as well as on farmland, or any private or public land, must be controlled. The Hardin County Weed Commissioner enforces the Iowa Noxious Weed Law. Iowa Code Chapter 317 – Weeds

Noxious Weeds and other invasive species threaten all of our natural resources. They can destroy native plant and animal habitat, damage recreational areas, clog waterways, lower land values, decrease agricultural crop yields, and some can even poison humans and livestock.

Noxious Weeds are also a leading cause of species endangerment under the Endangered Species Act. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, along with Hardin County, has declared 31 species of plants as Noxious.

View a complete list of plants considered noxious by Hardin County or the State of Iowa. Complete list of noxious plants.

Operator's Test Study Guides

Copies of the Iowa Driver’s Manual are available in the Hardin County Treasurer’s Office. It is also available on the Iowa Department of Transportation website:

Iowa Driver’s Manual and Study Guides

Driver’s License Practice Tests


No. We are always happy to assist you on a first come, first served basis. We are open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

You will need to apply using form DS-11 and form DS-64 Statement of Lost or Stolen Passport.

As always, you will also need proof of citizenship and proof of identity. For most people, this will be a driver’s license and a birth certificate.

Be advised that there are many third-party couriers on the internet that advertise expedited passport processing for a hefty fee. Most of these fees are more than double what you would normally pay for your passport and expedite fee.

If you or someone you know can appear in person in Minneapolis to obtain your passport, you will save yourself time and money. The “hand-carry” procedure allows you to apply in person at our office and then hand-deliver the package to Minneapolis.

We will be happy to explain the process to you in person or by phone at 641-939-8108.

Documentation requirements have changed over the years for security reasons. You must have a birth certificate issued by the state or county of your birth, not the hospital.

It must have your parents’ names listed, the location and date of birth, date filed, and have an official raised seal.

If your original document does not contain all of the information, you will need to obtain a certified copy from the state or county of your birth.

Payment Plan Options

Yes. The Finance and Collections Office requires at least $50 per month, but you may choose to have a higher amount deducted from your check every month.

Wage assignment paperwork is filled out and filed with the Clerk of Court. The Clerk of Court mails the order to deduct from your wages to your employer.

Your check stub should reflect the deduction. You may want to speak with your payroll department to make sure that the deductions are being made.

The Finance and Collections Office will keep track of the amount you owe and will notify your employer to stop the wage assignment when the fines are paid in full.

There several different options for payment plans. Please call the Finance and Collections Office at 641-939-8207 to schedule an appointment, where we will discuss what options are best suited for you.

Monthly payments, wage assignments and debit/credit card payments are options for payments.

If your past due fines are or have suspended your driver's license in your home state, you will need to either:
1: Pay them in full, which will lift the suspension on your driver's license
2: Make payments on the fines

If you choose to make payments, the suspension will not be lifted until the fines are paid in full.

We do not offer County Attorney Pay Plans or driver's license reinstatement plans to out-of-state drivers.

The Finance and Collections Office will work with you on a case-by-case basis. We will strive to make something work for you.

Call 641-939-8207 to schedule an appointment to discuss your options.

Permit to Acquire

You must apply in person at the Hardin County Sheriff's Office for a Permit to Acquire, also referred to as a “Permit to Purchase.”

The Sheriff's Offices is located at 1116 14th Avenue in Eldora, Iowa.

You have to be able to show current photo identification that you are 21 years of age or older.

Finally, you must fill out an application form in the Sheriff's Office and pass the required National Instant Background Check System check to be eligible for a Permit to Acquire. Weapons Permit Information...

You will receive your Permit to Acquire in the mail within 1 week of the application date, not including weekends or holidays.

A Permit to Acquire is good for one year from the application date. The expiration date is typed on the permit.

There is a $10 application fee payable to the Hardin County Sheriff's Office on the day the application is filled out.

This is a non-refundable fee.

Permit to Carry

Yes. A Permit to Carry is good for five years. The expiration date is printed directly on the permit.

Iowa law specifies that to renew a Permit to Carry Weapons, a person must complete any of the acceptable forms of training or, at the discretion of the applicant, the applicant may instead choose to qualify on a range under the supervision of a certified instructor.

Iowa law does not prescribe a particular course of fire, so the instructor determines what constitutes qualification. The completion of another training course or qualification on a range must occur within the 12 months prior to the expiration of the current permit.

Since an application for a renewal must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the current permit, this effectively leaves an 11 month window in which a person must complete training or qualify on a range.

The law allows 30 days to process the application. Our office usually has the permit in the mail and returned to the applicant within a week, not including weekends or holidays.

Small arms training, as evidenced by a discharge document showing an honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable condition (DD-214), is one of the acceptable forms of training for former service members.

However, to renew a permit, a person must present documentation showing that one of the acceptable forms of training was completed within the 12 months prior to the expiration of the current permit.

If a DD-214 was used to obtain a permit originally, that same document could not be used again in an application submitted as a renewal, as there is no way the training could have occurred within the 12 months prior to the expiration of the current permit.

Possibly. Given the requirement that any of the acceptable forms of training must be completed within the 12 months prior to the expiration of the current permit, it is possible that military small arms training and qualification could be used to renew a permit, but it depends on the timing of the training.

Please consult with the Sheriff of your county of residence to discuss the details of your service record and your application.

There is no specific requirement in Iowa Code Chapter 724 that a person update their weapons permit upon a change of residential address within the state (or upon a change of a mailing address). Given that there is no specific requirement to update a residence and/or mailing address on a “Permit to Acquire a Pistol or Revolver” or a “Permit to Carry Weapons,” it is our view that a permit remains valid until the expiration date or until the permit is suspended or revoked for cause.

However, a licensed gun dealer, a law enforcement officer from another state, or some other party who is shown the permit may question the validity of the permit if it shows an out of date address. Though the Iowa Department of Public Safety is aware of no provision of law that requires notification or updating of a permit after a move, many people who have a permit with an out of date address may want to obtain a permit showing the new address.

If a person has moved within the same county, the address change can be handled as a duplicate (updated to show the new address). If a person has moved from one county to another, the address change can only be handled as a new permit application.

Yes. A duplicate permit can be obtained for a fee of $25, as set by Iowa law.

You have to come in more than thirty (30) days before the permit expires. Additionally, you will need to take another certification class in the eleven (11) months prior to applying to renew, or you may choose to qualify on the range instead.

If you come in more than 30 days before the permit expires and have taken another certification class or qualified on the range, the fee is $25.

If you come in less than 30days before the permit expires, the fee returns to $50 and is treated like a new application.

If a person waits until less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the current permit, or after the permit expires, the application will be submitted and processed as if it were a new application for a permit instead of a renewal.

In such case, a person would be required to submit proof of training. There is no time frame specified for when the training must have occurred. A person who misses the renewal window and files as a new application cannot present proof of qualification on a range to satisfy the training requirement, unless qualification is part of a training course.

In other words, the option to simply qualify without completing a training course is only available to those who are filing as a permit renewal.

When you move into Hardin County, as long as your permit was issued in the State of Iowa, it will be honored the same as if we had issued it.

It is the Iowa Department of Public Safety's view that a Sheriff cannot renew a permit that the Sheriff's Office did not previously issue. As such, an application for a new permit would need to be submitted to the Hardin County Sheriff if you wished to renew your permit.

Iowa state law sets the fee for:
- New permit at $50
- Renewal at $25
- Duplicate at $25

Checks should be made payable to Hardin County Sheriff's Office the day you apply for the permit.

Planning & Zoning

The Zoning Administrator will conduct and on-site review during the building permit application process. Once the permit to build has been approved and issued, no further inspections are needed.

Hardin County does not have a building inspector.

Yes. Hardin County requires that a permit be obtained before any structure is erected, altered, constructed, reconstructed, or moved.

Access the Hardin County Application for a Building Permit (PDF).

Yes. Official Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps can be found in the Zoning Administrator's Office in the Hardin County Courthouse located at:
1215 Edgington Avenue
Eldora, IA 50627

There are certain restrictions when building in the floodplain. For more information, access the Hardin County Floodplain Management Ordinance (PDF).

The Zoning Administrator assigns all rural 911 addresses in Hardin County. Please contact Jessica Sheridan at 641-939-8135 or by email email Jessica Sheridan to request a rural 911 address. If you need an address within the corporate limits on towns in Hardin County, you will need to contact that town's city hall.

Obtaining 911 Addresses

Driveway permits must be obtained from the Engineer's Office. Contact them by phone at 641-858-5058 or visit in person at:
708 16th Street
Eldora, IA 50627

The minimum acreage required depends upon the zoning of the particular property. Typically, 2 acres is the minimum size lot.

Typically three permits are needed in Hardin County when building a new home:

  • Building permit: $100
  • Well permit: $275
  • Septic permit: starting at $250

You can download these permits online or contact the Hardin County Zoning Administrator.

Property Tax

You can pay either the full year in September or just the half that is due. Only one billing is sent out for your tax bill.

If you do not pay the full year in September, be sure to remember you will have the second half due in the month of March the following year.

There are several methods of paying one's property taxes. To assist in the process, we have created a useful guide to paying property taxes in Hardin County.

Be sure to bring your tax bill with you to pay your taxes or include the coupons if you mail your payments to the office.

If you’ve bought or sold property be sure to know if the buyer or seller is supposed to pay the taxes on each parcel. This is something that should have been discussed in your closing agreement. Since our tax bills are only billed once a year in the month of August, you will not receive a tax bill from us because it has already been sent to the previous owner.

Remember that you can pay online, in the office, through the mail or in our drop box.

The penalty is charged at 1.5% per month rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

Property taxes are typically paid in two installments, one coming in September (1st half) and March (2nd half) each year.

Property taxes can be paid in full in September if desired.

Property tax statements are sent out once per year in August. This statement will include stubs to make payment in both September and March.

You will not receive a reminder that your second half of taxes are due in March. If the last day or either September or March falls on a weekend, you will have the following business day to pay your taxes without penalty.

Property Tax Credit & Exemptions

No, once you have signed for your Homestead Credit, it will stay effective for as long as you reside in the home. You are required to report if you move out of the property. You are only eligible for the Homestead Credit for as long as you reside in the home.

Your local Assessor has forms that you need to complete, sign, and file for the homestead credit and/or military exemption, and can discuss the qualifications required for each. Remember, it is the property owner’s responsibility to apply for all credits and exemptions as provided by law at the Assessor’s Office. You are also required to report if you become no longer eligible for a credit or exemption.

Depending on when the Homestead Credit application or Military Exemption application was signed by the property owner, it could take more than 24 months for the credit or exemption to show on the property tax statement. July 1st is the deadline for filing for the Homestead Credit or Military Exemption for the current assessment year. If the application is received after July 1st, the credit or exemption will not be applied until the next assessment year.

There are several credits and exemptions that may be applied for at the Assessor’s Office. Each credit or exemption has specific criteria and rules. Some only need to be signed up for one time, and others must be applied for each year. Please check with the Assessor to see if you qualify for any of the following:

The homestead credit is a property tax credit for Iowa residents who own and occupy their homestead on July 1st and for at least six months of the calendar year. It is a tax credit funded by the state, for qualified homeowners and is based on the first $4,850 of actual value of the homestead. You may apply for this credit in person in the Assessor’s Office.

Veterans who served in active duty, and who were honorably discharged, are eligible to receive a military exemption on their property taxes. If you served in active duty for 18 months, you may be eligible. You may apply for this credit in person in the Assessor’s Office.

The Business Property Tax Credit is a credit available for certain commercial, industrial and railroad properties. The credit is applicable to individual parcels as well as “property units.” One credit is available for each qualified parcel or property unit. You must apply for the credit by completing an application at the County Assessor’s Office. The deadline for this application is July 1st for the current assessment year.

Property Values

Depending on the classification of the property, the assessment is to represent the market value of the property unless otherwise provided by the Iowa Code. Residential, agricultural dwellings, commercial, and industrial classed properties are to be assessed at market value. Changes in market value as indicated by research, sales ratio studies and analysis of local conditions as well as economic trends both in and outside the construction industry are used in determining your assessment. Agricultural land and buildings are valued on productivity and net earning capacity.

Each year, assessed values are subject to a rollback factor determined by the Director of Revenue creating a taxable value. Property tax is calculated by applying a levy rate to the taxable value. Levy rates and rollbacks change from year to year therefore adjusting the amount of property tax.

Property owners who would like to challenge their assessment may file a written appeal with the local Board of Review between April 2nd and April 30th. In odd numbered years when an equalization order is issued by the Department of Revenue, property owners may file a written appeal between October 9th and October 31st. Petition forms to the Board of Review are available at the Assessor’s Office.

There are a number of different taxing districts in a jurisdiction, each with a different levy rate. Each year the county auditor determines for that district, a levy rate that will yield enough money to fund the different entities in that district. The entities include local schools, counties, cities, townships, community colleges, local assessors, and others. Since more than one taxing authority is calculating a tax rate for the property, all the rates are added together, resulting in a single tax levy called a consolidated levy. This consolidated levy is always the result of two or more tax rates established by different government entities.

The rollback rate is a statewide rate set annually for each property class by the Iowa Department of Revenue. More than 20 years ago, residential property values were rising quickly. To help cushion the impact of the high inflation, the Legislature passed an assessment limitation law called “Rollback.” Increases in assessed values for residential and agricultural property are subject to this assessment limitation formula. If the statewide increases in values of homes and farms exceeds 4% due to revaluation, their values are “rolled back” so that the total increase statewide is 4%.

Rollback is also available for commercial and industrial property when necessary. This does not mean that the assessment on your home will increase by only 4%. The rollback is applied on a class of property, not an individual property. This means that the statewide total taxable value can increase only 4% due to revaluation.

Real Estate parcels are annually assigned a property classification by the assessor. This classification is to be consistent with the primary use of the property. There are four classifications of property in Iowa. These classes are agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial. Classification may not necessarily be the same as the zoning of the property.

Taxable value is the value determined by the county auditor after the application of a rollback factor to the assessed value. Taxable value is calculated by multiplying the rollback rate for the correct property class by the equalized 100% value.

Assessment notices are mailed on or before April 1st whenever there is a change in assessment to a property.

Real Estate

The Auditor’s Office has property transfer books dating back to the 1850s. The information shown in the books are the grantor and grantee names, dates, legal description and recorded document type and book and page number. This information is only for property in Hardin County.

Under most circumstances, the ownership cannot change without a recorded document. See your local attorney to prepare a deed for you.

The county can also assist with the document recording requirements through the Hardin County Recorder's Office.

Reinstating Driver's Licenses

Yes. If you do not own a car or you are choosing not to drive, you will need to obtain a non-owner/driver policy.

If you are required by the Iowa Department of Transportation to have high risk insurance (SR22), we must have proof of that policy as well.

Once you sign the payment agreement, you are required to make your monthly payments. If you do not, the Finance and Collections Office may file a payment plan default and you will then lose your driver’s license again.

It may take up to two weeks before the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) will notify you that you can get your driver’s license.

Once the CAPP is filed with the Clerk of Court and the plan is set up, they will notify the Iowa DOT. The Iowa DOT will then notify you via U.S. postal service.

It is imperative that the Iowa DOT has your current and correct address.

What fine amounts are included in a County Attorney Pay Plan (CAPP)?

We can include the Civil Penalty amount into the payment plan.

This amount will be paid first and then the payments will be paid towards the fines that are suspending your driver’s license.

The Finance and Collections Office requires 10% of the total fines (including civil penalty, if necessary) that are suspending your driver’s license, as well as a $50 down payment to start the program.

Once this payment has been received, the CAPP will be filed with the Clerk of Court. The Finance and Collections Office will then require $50 per month minimum payments until the fines are paid in full.

Reports Requests

No. If a case is currently under investigation, has gone to the District Attorney's Office for prosecution, or if the case involves a juvenile as being a suspect or arrested, the report will not be released and no information in the report will be given out.

Yes. The Sheriff's Office cannot arbitrarily run scans to find out case numbers or to determine if a person was involved in an incident, but if you have a person's name and know his or her date of birth, we will try to help you retrieve the information you are seeking.

Yes. You need to appear in person at the Sheriff’s Office with your Iowa driver’s license and obtain a copy of your Iowa driving record for a fee of $12.

The Sheriff's Office is located at 1116 14th Ave in Eldora, Iowa.

If the Administration Office is closed, the Communications Office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will be able to assist you.

No. Having a case number is preferred, but if you know the time, location, and nature of the incident, the Sheriff's Office can look it up for you.

Roadside Vegetation

Hardin County IRVM plants roadsides into native vegetation where it is feasible, both from a safety and functional standpoint, but also from an economic standpoint. Hardin County does allow landowners to plant native vegetation into the right of way. The vegetation chosen cannot be so tall as to cause visibility problems, snow drifting problems, etc. The IRVM Program can help you choose the correct plant species for your location. Please keep in mind that the right of way has many users, such as the County Secondary Road Department, utilities, snowmobilers, etc. and that the area may be occasionally disturbed. Hardin County shoulder mows all over the county road system and native plantings are included in that mowing as well as occasional ditch bottom and back slope mowing.

Plantings must comply with the County’s Noxious Weed Policy and Brush Control Policy. Before you purchase seed, start work, etc. it is a good idea to contact the County Roadside Vegetation Manager to be sure your plant selection and location are suitable, and you have the proper permits.

Hardin County does not provide signs to landowners, but in order to be involved in our Roadside Maintenance Agreement proper paperwork must be filled out. Roadside Maintenance Agreement Request Form (PDF)

Hardin County manages over 6000 acres of roadside spread over 2000 miles of road. The IRVM Program manages noxious and invasive species in the roadside with several management tools. If an infestation of a state or county listed noxious weed is present in the County roadside, the County Weed Commissioner should be contacted. For more information, you can contact the County Weed Commissioner.

The strip of vegetation between the edge of the road and adjacent farm or that you view while driving down the road is roadside habitat. Its home to many species of wildlife. Pheasants and quail, rabbits and grassland songbirds use roadsides for nesting, feeding, roosting, and as hiding cover. Roadsides are also important travel corridors that provide wildlife safe access to other adjacent habitats. Hardin County roadsides represent a potential habitat resource of thousands of acres in our rural areas.

In addition to habitat, roadside vegetation provides other benefits. It reduces erosion and siltation in streams, reservoirs and wetlands. Healthy stands of native vegetation resist invasion by noxious weeds reducing herbicide use and maintenance costs. Native grasses and wildflowers are important components of quality habitat, while they also add color and beauty to the rural landscape.

If there is a visibility concern (ie. poor visibility, blocked road sign, etc.), please contact the County Roadside Manager at 641-939-8263. If it is an emergency, please contact the Sheriff’s Office.

For other road related issues, please contact the Secondary Roads Department at 641-858-5058.

Secondary Roads

No, Hardin County purchases culvert pipe without tax. Therefore, the county cannot resell something that should produce state sales tax.

No, both these practices are illegal by Iowa Code. Tiles must outlet on private property and then flow into the county right-of-way.

Septic systems must flow into an approved system as per Iowa Code, Chapter 69 (PDF). Contact the Hardin County Sanitarian at 641-939-8135 or by email for more information.

The Engineer’s Office has a Driveway Permit Application (PDF) to apply for a new driveway or to enhance an existing driveway. The road crew will check the location and determine if it is acceptable and whether it requires a culvert. All the costs for a new or widened driveway are at the landowner’s expense.

No timelines are being given. With 779 miles of unpaved roads to maintain, the secondary roads crew will be busy. Our goal is to continue hauling as often as possible to as many different locations as possible. 

Typically; roads are bladed weekly when conditions are appropriate depending on weather and traffic conditions. If a road is too wet, the motor grader will sink and cause ruts. If a road is too dry, the grader can’t properly move the rock.

An article referencing frost boils from 1961 talks about the possible fixes for frost boils, but all were just theories at the time.

In that amount of time, a specific solution has never been determined. The best solution to this day is to do nothing but wait for the frost boil to dry out. Sometimes the road crew will attempt to level the area or pour rock on top, but these methods often prove ineffective.

The Hardin County Snow and Ice Removal Policy (PDF) has been in place since the mid-1990s. It states that snow will be cleared from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The policy also gives a priority to paved routes if necessary. The goal of each snow event is to open both lanes of all highways and at least one path of each gravel road. Some snow events are too severe to achieve this goal. In the event that fog or blowing snow reduce visibility to a dangerous level, Hardin County will not perform snow removal operations.

Hardin County has agreements in place with four of our adjoining counties. Each county splits up the number of miles and maintains the entire right-of-way for that portion.

View County Line Maintenance Jurisdictions Map (PDF)

Each grader operator has 70-80 miles to cover in that time frame, sometimes moving under 5 miles/hour. In order to reach every stretch of road the grader may have to travel with the blade up.

Ditches are designed on the sides of a roadway for the distinct purpose of holding and moving water as naturally as possible. If there is no waterway or tile system in the area, the water has no choice but to stay where it is and slowly soak into the ground.

Sheriff Sales

If the residence is unoccupied, you may not enter the property.

If someone is living there and he or she gives you permission, you may enter the property.

The Sheriff's Office does not have keys to the property.

Yes, full payment is required by 4 p.m. on the day of the sale.

You may pay with cash, or you will be given enough time to go to your local bank or lending agency and get a cashier's check for the full amount of your bid.

You must pay the full amount to the Sheriff's Office by 4 p.m. on the day of the sale.

You should have all paperwork finalized with your lending agency before you arrive at the sale. (You can call the lending agency from the Sheriff's Office to have it ready when you arrive.)

The judgment holder almost always starts with a bid given to the Sheriff before the time of the sale. This bid is considered a sealed bid and will not be disclosed before the start of the sale.

Taxes stay with the property. If you made the purchase, you are now responsible for the taxes.

Treasurer's Office (Driver's License)

For more information on the location of operator's test study guides and links to procure them online, visit our Operator's Test Study Guides page.

Vehicle Registration Holds

Yes, as long as there are fines due. Once fines are paid in full, the hold should be lifted by the state.

The Finance and Collections Office can enroll you in a payment plan to begin payment of past due fine. Once payment has been made, this office will issue a lift to the County in which you are registering your vehicle.

Payments must be current in order to have the lift filed.

This office issues registration lifts for Hardin County only.

If you owe past due fines to the state of Iowa, there will be a hold on your vehicle registration.

Veterans Affairs

If you were a resident of Iowa at the time of your discharge, you may contact the Iowa Department of Veteran Affairs at 800-838-4692 to find out if it’s on file and request a copy. If you were a resident of another state you will have to contact that state’s Department of Veterans Affairs.

If you have ever filed a copy of your DD214 at the Hardin County Offices, you can request a copy of your DD214 from the County Veteran Affairs or Recorder Offices:
- The Recorders Office can be reached at 641-939-8178. If you filed in another county you can contact those county offices.
- The Veteran Affairs office can be reached at 641-939-8240 or by email.

Information about the Iowa Veterans Home, located in Marshalltown, Iowa, can be found online on the Iowa Veterans Home website.

Weapons Permit Law Changes in 2017

Under Iowa law, the Nonprofessional Permit to Carry Weapons is issued to residents of Iowa by the Sheriff of the applicant’s county of residence. Several Iowa Sheriff’s Office (including Black Hawk, Dallas, Dubuque, Polk, and Scott Counties) are using an online version of the application form. An applicant should check with the Sheriff’s Office of the applicant’s county of residence to obtain details about the application procedure, including hours of operation, office location, and forms of payment accepted.

No, a permit issued prior to the change in law or during the transition period to the new cards will remain a valid permit, unless suspended, revoked, or cancelled as provided by law.

The new law does not provide for integrating weapons permit issuance with driver’s license or non-operator IDs, and doing so would have presented a number of issues, including the fact that there are people who are eligible for certain types of weapons permits, but who are not required to have an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator ID card. Iowa’s weapons permit information will remain separate from driver’s license and non-operator ID information.

Yes, once the printing of NEW and RENEWAL uniform permit cards becomes operational, a person who wishes to obtain a duplicate can do so for a fee set by law at $25. However, for a person who is issued a permit ON OR AFTER JULY 1, 2017, but before the new uniform permit cards are available for printing, a person will be given the opportunity to exchange their permit for a new card at no fee. Steps are being taken to ensure that the new card printing system will be able correctly process a “no fee” card exchange for those people issued permits on or after July 1 but before the uniform permit cards are available.

Most of the law changes in HF 517 have an effective date of July 1, 2017, however, two provisions have an effective date of April 13, 2017. It is important to note that one provision of HF 517 related to uniform permit cards cannot be fully implemented on July 1, 2017. Often when a new law takes effect, it is necessary for affected units of government to adopt new rules, develop new procedures, reprogram computer systems, and sometimes purchase new equipment and materials, and then
implementation of the law change follows after the effective date of the law change. This is the case for the uniform permit card provisions of HF 517. House File 517 (PDF)

One provision relates to supervised possession of a handgun by a minor. For many years, Iowa law has required that a person under the age of 21 must, in most circumstances, have parent or guardian approval and supervision to possess a handgun. The minimum age for supervised possession of a handgun by a minor had been 14. The new law eliminates the minimum age provision, and more explicitly states that the required supervision must be direct supervision, and the person who is supervising possession of a handgun by a minor must not be intoxicated or impaired by alcohol or drugs. The second provision relates to permit confidentiality. Under prior law, most permit related information, including the application form, was a public record. The new law makes permit information confidential and therefore not available for general release to the public.

House File 517 was passed by the Iowa General Assembly during the 2017 legislative session and was signed into law on April 13, 2017. The law changes relate to weapons permits and other topics, including but not limited to possession of certain firearms, supervised possession of handguns by minors, government authority relating to firearms, and self defense. House File 517 (PDF)

Iowa DPS has long been recommending that a person notify the Sheriff’s Office that issued a permit when a person has a change of address. However, if a person moved from one county to another, a person has needed to start over to get a permit showing their new address, as the Sheriff of the new county of residence cannot issue a duplicate or renew a permit that the Sheriff did not issue. Under the new law, there will be a procedure to allow a person to transfer their permit from one county to another after a move. This transfer process is currently being developed and should be available once the new permit cards are available.

As soon as HF 517 was signed into law, work began to identify the options to have truly uniform, durable, and secure permit cards. The Iowa Department of Public Safety has been working closely with Iowa’s 99 Sheriffs Offices to identify a method to generate uniform permit cards, while still allowing Sheriffs Offices to use their existing systems and procedures for processing applications, issuing permits, and storing permit records.
To become operational with a system to print uniform permit cards, it is necessary to design the various permit card types (permit to acquire, nonprofessional permit to carry, professional permit to carry, etc…), acquire printing services and materials, provide measures to protect confidential permit related data, and develop rules and procedures for issuance of the permits. Despite the complexity of the initiative, DPS and Sheriffs Offices have been working diligently to become operational with a new permit printing system in just a few months following the law change. Though Sheriffs Offices and DPS are working cooperatively on the uniform permit card project, ultimately, each individual Sheriffs Office will have to proceed according to the statewide rollout schedule specified by DPS. When the new permit cards are available, a public announcement will be made.

Effective July 1, 2017, there is a 60 day renewal window. A person wishing to renew a Permit to Carry Weapons must apply within 30 days before the permit expires, or within 30 days after the permit expires, otherwise the higher NEW permit fee must be charged. Please note that while a permit can be renewed within 30 days after it expires, a person whose permit has expired should not go armed in a fashion that requires a permit until a person has renewed their permit.

Most of the changes were made in House File 517. However, there were also some highly technical changes made in another bill, Senate File 516. To see the actual wording of the new laws, it would be necessary to read both House File 517 and Division V of Senate File 516. Both bills are available online at the following web addresses:
? HF 517:
? SF 516:

No. A person who holds (or held) a permit issued on or after 1/1/2011 is not required to complete another training course to renew or obtain a new permit to carry weapons, however, please note that even though re-training is not required, completing another training course or taking other steps to learn about law changes could be highly beneficial to a person who intends to go armed.

The new law requires that weapons permits be of uniform appearance, size, and content. For decades, Iowa’s standard permits have been large paper tear-off forms that are not durable or convenient to carry. A number of years ago, rules adopted by the Iowa Department of Public Safety allowed Sheriffs Offices to develop and print wallet size permit cards of their own design and content. While this allowed many counties to develop better quality permits, it also resulted in wide variation in permit appearance and type. In passing HF 517, Iowa’s elected officials established a requirement that permit cards be standardized. House File 517 (PDF)