An agreement for future installation would allow a replacement or repair to a septic system to occur after the property has been transferred to the buyer. This is highly uncommon, and virtually the only circumstance which would allow for this is weather limitations. Taking too long to have the inspection completed and finding out the system needs replaced the day before closing does not qualify.
An agreement for future inspection would allow for the septic system to be inspected after the property has been transferred to the buyer. This is highly uncommon, and virtually the only circumstance which would allow for this is weather limitations. Again, waiting until the last minute to get an inspection does not qualify. It is worth noting that inspectors are legally allowed 10 days to complete their inspection report.
An agreement for building demolition would be issued in the instance that the property buyer is planning to demolish the home/building connected to the septic system. A deadline for demolition would be set with the assumption that no one will be inhabiting the home/using the septic system in the time between when the property is transferred and the deadline date. The septic tank will need to be properly abandoned in accordance with Chapter 69 of Iowa Administrative Code.