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Arsenic Testing

Request a Water Test

It is recommended that your well be tested for arsenic at least once during its lifetime. You may need to have it tested more often, depending on whether a result comes back showing that arsenic is present.

Request a Water Test

It is recommended that your well be tested for arsenic at least once during its lifetime. You may need to have it tested more often, depending on whether a result comes back showing that arsenic is present.

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Schedule a Test

If you wish to have your private well tested for nitrate, sulfate, bacteria, or arsenic please contact the county Environmental Health Specialist at 641-849-7372 or, preferably, request a water test here. Water testing is only available Monday through Wednesday, due to the time sensitivity of getting the water samples to the lab.

Visiting the Property

Once an appointment is scheduled, the Sanitarian will visit your property and perform a free water test. No one need be present at the home if an outside water source is available. The test will be sent to a certified laboratory for analysis.

Testing Fees

The Hardin County Environmental Health Department is currently utilizing Grants to Counties funds to test for arsenic as part of its water testing regimen. This may change in the future, depending on the relevance of the arsenic problem in Hardin County.

Each private well owner is entitled to have their well water tested once per year for bacteria and nitrate, free of charge. However, the Sanitarian will only test wells for arsenic one time during the lifetime of the well, unless it has previously tested positive.

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Where does arsenic come from?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), arsenic can come from natural deposits in the earth or from industrial and agricultural pollution. However, it can also be indicative of discrepancies in your well.

Testing Positive?

If your well tests positive for arsenic, you may wish to install a filtration system such as reverse osmosis, distillation, or ion exchange.

Team Member Jessica Sheridan -

Contact Us

Environmental Health Office

Physical Address

708 16th St.
Eldora IA 50627

Mailing Address

708 16th St., Eldora, IA 50627

Phone: 641-849-7372

Fax: 641-858-3182


Monday - Friday
08:00 AM - 04:30 PM



Jessica Sheridan

Environmental Health Specialist/Sanitarian


Phone : (641) 849-7372

*Please call ahead - Jessica is frequently out in the field and might not be in the office.

Listen to KIFG visit with Jessica Sheridan, Environmental Health Specialist/Sanitarian about and water testing and other services offered to Hardin County citizens.Listen Now

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